CPPC Dec 16th, 2021: As the world turns

Dealing with the BCP project has been tiring: so many misleading statements, woefully unprepared and uninformed people.  I took a break from it all but now I am ready to continue.  

Part of the reason for continuing is that I am keenly interested in how the CPPC develops in the next few months.  It feels as if I were watching a soap and I am sitting on the edge of my seat wondering: will Leino be deposed? will Friedman also be quietly removed? Will quiet but steely Muson be enthroned as Chair?

The soap's storyline: since last year the CPPC has been struggling to have its charge extended in order to continue on to Phase 2 and it was facing deadline of Nov. 1, 2021.  However, the SB kept on dragging its heels.  The CPPC even went so far as to write the charge extension and sending it to the SB so that all that the SB would have to do was sign. But, alas! The SB still did not extend the charge.

When Paolillo became the SB's liaison to the CPPC, he made it clear that he was very disappointed and bemoaned that, after so many years, the project was still in limbo and that he was determined to finish the job that others seemingly had not been able to do.  Whenever the charge extension was brought up, he always hemmed and hawed blaming the other SB members for the inaction but, considering his obvious displeasure with the CPPC's performance, it was evident that he was as unwilling to act as his fellow board members.

Paolillo would also always point out that increasing the CPPC membership would make the SB more willing to act.  One time, the reason (or excuse?) for having additional members was that Phase 2 was a complicated project and that adding people with new "skill sets" was needed.

At the Nov. 3 meeting, it was pointed out by Sugarman that the charge should have been extended by Nov. 1 *gulp!* Paolillo attended the next meeting on Nov 17 and he said that the SB would finally take up the matter at the upcoming Dec. 6 meeting.   But, once again, Paolillo warned that the CPPC membership had to be increased,

Lo and behold! On Dec. 6, the SB congratulated Leino and the CPPC on their wonderful proposal of increasing the CPPC membership! What a great idea in view of the use of subcommittees by the CPPC!  Outstanding proposal! Of course we approve of including it in the charge extension. And here you go! Your charge is extended! Carry on with Phase 2.

Leino stiffly accepted the congratulations and quickly bowed out.

What is my hunch? Paolillo and possibly other SB members are unhappy with the CPPC's performance.  It is likely that the ire is directed at Leino and Friedman as Chair and Vice-Chair but how to ease them out without seeming boorish?  

Update March, 2024. State attorney Leino is gone; he moved out of town about 1 year ago probably to live in his New Hampshire condo. Harvard Business School Muson was made Chair of the CPPC and Friedman stayed as Vice Chair.  At first, Friedman tried to take charge at times but Muson quickly tamed Friedman who nowadays keeps a low profile.



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