April 7th CPPC: damage control mode with a soupçon of lawlessness


 Today, the CPPC was in damage control mode including their unofficial member, Goentzel (Friends of the BCP).  It was damage control done in a semi ignorant manner with some proposed law breaking thrown in.  Damage control dealt primarily with funding and with abutter outreach.


Recapping: a) the MPO has no funds to take on new expensive projects such as the BCP, a Bike-Ped program; b) Bike and Ped programs are no longer a priority so any surplus funds most likely will be assigned to other programs;  c) this austere budget stretches as far as 2026; d) MPO is discussing policy changes that will make project funding estimate increases, cost overruns fall on the town AND the MPO share of the agreed upon budget may decrease each year with the amount shifted to the town.  Hence the more years a project runs, the higher the cost to the town.

Ignoring the reality of the MPO's budget woes, the CPPC proceeded to pump itself by: a) saying that bringing up the project score will make it more likely to get funded; b) denying that the chances of getting funded is practically nil up to at least 2026; c)  falsely claiming that the MPO had $14M un-programmed surplus this year; d) deciding to proceed with Phase 2 and bring it before the BOS (Board of Select ....errr ....people?).

25% design plan.  The CPPC will proceed with the 25% design plan; they are shooting for 2023 TIP funding.  To get funds for continuing (next step: eminent domain), they are lobbying U.S. Rep. K. Clark who has a $14M booty from the Fed. government's reinstated earmarks. As part of that lobbying, the CPPC sent its letter to Clark (draft letter).  Friedman conceded that all municipalities in Clark’s district are probably doing the same.  Town advised to choose only one project to push with Clark and Garvin chose BCP. Expectation is that Sen. Brownsberger and Rep. Rogers will lobby Clark on behalf of BCP.

Bowen proposed scheduling the MassDOT public hearing without delay.  (This fits with her previous demand that the CPPC should make the MassDOT and MBTA show up at meetings as the CPPC saw fit.)  Once again, someone had to inform Bowen that Belmont does not control MassDOT.  Someone else tried to make Bowen look less uninformed by saying that Bowen must have been referring to a public meeting to be held after the 25% submmittal that the CPPC has been discussing.  The problem with that is that no such public meeting has been discussed at any official CPPC meeting (I’ve attended them all).  If the CPPC has been discussing it outside of a public meeting, it would be illegal  (Clancy mentioned this in regard to another proposed discussion not to be held publicly). 

In another bizarre move, Bowen proposed that the committee approve the text of a letter yet to be written.  The intent may have been not to have the letter's content be known publicly. Someone pointed out that this would be rule-breaking also.


CPPC claims that the 25% design will be submitted within weeks.  At this late date, the CPPC - especially Stanton - is discussing ways of making itself available to “residents” such as abutters.  Last meeting the CPPC formed a subcommittee to work out this outreach.  Today, they cast about for ideas such as finally including a contact email on the CPPC’s webpage.  Currently, there are no phone numbers or email addresses of any sort listed in the CPPC’s webpage.  In addition, Leino proposed that the CPPC hold “office hours”.

Once again, the CPPC mentioned that Nitsch still has not answered public comments from July 2020 as promised.  Sadly, a delusional Goentzel crowed that Nitsch had but, members checked out the Nitsch website and pointed out that Nitsch posted only a brief update (Feb 2021).

Someone pointed out how Nitsch had failed to meet with abutters.  Clancy rose to Nitsch’s defense claiming that it was the abutters’ fault.  In reality, Nitsch has not responded to multiple abutters' requests for meeting or information.

From blaming abutters, Clancy moved to also blaming Covid, a theme that other members picked up for a while.

It was all sadly and oddly comical.


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