The Land's Value: Tax assessor's cards
I have been amazed by the escalating value of 101A-B since the park project got under way which, according to CPPC Chair Leino, happened in 2012. The park/path will be located within 101A (BCF) and 101B (MBTA) as it runs along Channing Rd. On the Pleasant St side (west of the train station), the path will make use of 726R (MBTA) which is equivalent to 101B on the Channing side.
There are many things I don’t understand:
According to the tax assessor, the land was sold in 1983 for $10,000 but the Registry of Deeds says $1000. Typo?
The land is listed by the tax assessor as being “101A Channing Road” but during the sale to the BCF the address is changed to “Concord Ave” which strikes me as odd. Also, Roy Epstein, Selectman and member of the CPPC, pointed out to me that the tax assessor should have set the value of the land to $0 instead of $232K!
Interesting things happen to the land values for 2012 and 2013 even taking into account lot size:
101A (BCF) up ~$100K
101B (MBTA) up $540K
101C,167, 726R (MBTA) up $20-22K
726R and 101B have similar location North of the
tracks. However, 726R's value did not escalate at the same rate as 101B but instead at the rate of 101C/167, the land strips which sit on the South side of the tracks. Is it because 101B sits next to 101A that makes it ~3xs more valuable than 726R?
Other questions that are raised by these tax assessor's cards:
Why 101A's value was not adjusted from $52K to the sold price of $77K in 2008. Our homes get adjusted to the sold value. Why not this land?
Why some of these lands are described as having a sidewalk, as not landlocked and as having gas? Is it because you can walk it's length and come out at Alexander Ave. or Brighton Rd or Clark St?Is it because you can see the sidewalk in the distance? As to having gas ... I am flummoxed!
Why is my property described as having "excessive traffic due to railroad tracks" unlike these land strips that run closer to the RR?
Why this year the land in back of my home has been devalued between ~$8-60K while my home's value has gone up ~$10K?
First, you will see this year's 101A card followed by the 2017 card so you can see the value of 101A (BCF) land back to 1991. Then you will find the cards for 101B-C and 726R.
Anyone can access this information at NETR