BCF land history


History of the BCF land based on Registry of Deeds documents (all documents found are in these folder).

The B&M RR declared bankruptcy in 1970 and, as a result, the court ordered it to sell its assets.  John Duddy bought it for $10K (12027394_7_1_1971.pdf). Later, the land passed to Walter Duddy, Trustee of Rebecca Realty Trust, and a Belmont resident who sold it, in 2008, to Atty. Grant Monahon, Belmont resident and head of the BCF (147000_9_4_2008.pdf).

B&M still exists as an entity under the umbrella of Panam Railways,  headquartered in N. Billerica.

Update: It turns out that, legally, the ROW land taken for the B&M RR should have been returned to the abutters and not sold to Duffy.  So one more bit of law breaking in this story: everyman gets shafted while the wealthy play their games which, in this case, it's the real estate game.

B&M: Boston and Maine Railroad; BCF: Belmont Citizen Forum


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