Oct. 13 CPPC
It is getting harder to be amused at these meetings. However, there *was* one funny moment hinging around Leino and Paolillo talking about their meeting with Jammal last week. Stanton pleadingly asked: had they broached the subject of the building itself? The unspoken question fed by Stanton's desire throbbed in the ether: did they ask Jammal whether they could demolish the L-shaped building into an "I"? Seemingly flustered, Leino replied that they had not - a "Perish the thougth!!" implied. CPPC Chair R. Leino Stanton then thrust back: had they broached the subject of landscaping for the spur? The shimmering arch of Stanton's much desired trellis appeared now in the ether. But once again, the answer was no. Seemingly deflated, Stanton sank back into silence. After that, it was mostly humdrum except that Michalak put a stop to the CPPC/Paolillo's plan to proceed with eminent domain (ED) appraisals and “trans...